Welcome To TManBeads Web Site
Click here www.thecharmstop.net For a wide variety of charms We have now added a close out section filled with items that our vendors will no longer carry.
Beaded And Sterling Silver Earrings You are now in the earring section. In this section we offer beaded earrings as well as sterling silver earrings, post earrings and hook earrings. The selection of earring is quite large and as with the other sections it to will be growing as I add to it with my own personal designs. We have hematite earrings accented with sterling silver, 14KTGF earrings, bone earrings and much more. Take your time and look around and see what you may like for your self or some one else. If you are looking for something that is original to give as a gift then you have come to the right spot. These earrings also make great gifts for that special occasion, something unique for a special moment. Thank you and enjoy the shopping. TManBeads send E-mail T Brown Enterprises P.O. Box 750843 Houston ,TX 77275-0843