Welcome To TManBeads Web Site

A Unique Collection of Hand Strung Beaded Jewelry, Sterling Silver Crosses, Men and Lady Rings and Watches

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We have now added a close out section filled with items that our vendors will no longer carry.

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Home 10.Cateye Necklaces 11.Heishi Necklaces 12.Heishi Necklaces 13.Bone Necklaces 14.Hematite Necklaces 15.Hematite Necklaes 16.Necklaces 17.Magnetic Necklaces 18.Pearl Necklaces 19.Turquoise Necklaces 20.Tiger Eye NecklacesBracelets Necklaces Earrings Rings Crosses Pendants Silver Men Watches Ladies Watches Policy Biker Charm Bracelets Turquoise Watches Charms Links Site Directory

Hand Strung Beaded Necklaces

A very large selection of hand strung beaded necklaces in many different original styles. Some of the necklaces are accented with sterling silver and Bali silver. We have Cateye, Bone, Turquoise, Pearl, Hematite and Hieshi necklaces to choose from. We have hand strung beaded  Magnetic Hematite necklaces that is good for aches and pains. We have cultured Pearls and faceted Pearls that also are hand strung original designs. As with all the sections on this site the necklace will also be changing to. So come back often and visit and see what is different. 

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T Brown Enterprises P.O. Box 750843 Houston ,TX  77275-0843