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A Unique Collection of Hand Strung Beaded Jewelry, Sterling Silver Crosses, Men and Lady Rings and Watches

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Home 10.Cateye Necklaces 11.Heishi Necklaces 12.Heishi Necklaces 13.Bone Necklaces 14.Hematite Necklaces 15.Hematite Necklaes 16.Necklaces 17.Magnetic Necklaces 18.Pearl Necklaces 19.Turquoise Necklaces 20.Tiger Eye Necklaces


Magnetic Hematite Hand Strung Beaded Necklaces

 Welcome to the magnetic hematite beaded necklace section. It is believed that some magnetic jewelry may provide increased circulation making you feel more energized. Some people get instant pain relief. Some say they experience increased energy in the brain and will not go without it. Studies in Japan and India have shown that magnetic necklaces relieve upper body tension and pain in over 70% of the people tested.  Studies have also shown that they correct Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome, identified in the late 1950's, which is an imbalance of the body's natural magnetic field.  These symptoms resemble Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:  lack of energy, general aches and pains, frequent headaches, dizziness, etc.

Mental Healing
Hematite is a stone of protection
and was thought to protect warriors and make them invincible in battle , a belief originating from the Romans.  In modern times, the powers of protection that spiritualists apply to the stone has expanded into the spiritual realm, where they believe Hematite can transform or absorb negativity or evil. It is also a worry stone with excellent emotional grounding properties that calm the mind and clears it of the distractions of stress. In this state, the person is ready for exploration of higher levels of consciousness. With this calming effect, they consider it helpful in meditation leading to astral projection and the communication of love’s energy.   

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Item 17AN
MVC-010S.JPG (33429 bytes)
Price $65.00   Sterling Silver  Show cart
No show
Item 17BN

MVC-011S.JPG (34803 bytes)
 Price $65.00 Sterling Silver  Show cart
No show

Item 17CN

MVC-012S.JPG (32971 bytes)
 Price $55.00  Sterling Silver  Show cart
No show

Item 17DN
MVC-013S.JPG (33055 bytes)
Price $50.00  Sterling Silver  Show cart
No show
Item 17EN
MVC-014S.JPG (34430 bytes)
 Price $60.00  Sterling Silver  Show cart
No show
Item 17FN
MVC-015S.JPG (32422 bytes)
Price $55.00 Sterling Silver  Show cart
No show
Item 17GPN
MVC-003S.JPG (35766 bytes)
Price $65.00 Sterling Silver  Show cart
No show
Item 17HPN
MVC-004S.JPG (36082 bytes)
Price $70.00 Sterling Silver  Show cart
No show
Item 17IPN
MVC-003S.JPG (35392 bytes)
Price $185.00 14kt Gold Show cart
No show
Item 17JPN

Price $70.00 Show cart
No show


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T Brown Enterprises P.O. Box 750843 Houston ,TX  77275-0843