Welcome To TManBeads Web Site
Click here www.thecharmstop.net For a wide variety of charms We have now added a close out section filled with items that our vendors will no longer carry.
10. HEMATITE and CAT EYE HAND STRUNG BEADED NECKLACES ACCENTED WITH STERLING SILVER This section carries a variety of hand strung beaded Hematite and Cat Eye necklaces. All beaded necklaces are original designs and have sterling silver lobster clasp. All the hand strung beaded necklaces are guaranteed against breakage under normal wear. All are hand strung and can be strung in many sizes. Take your time and browser around and see what may peek your interest. Thank you for coming and do come again and bring a friend.
TManBeads send E-mail T Brown Enterprises P.O. Box 750843 Houston ,TX 77275-0843