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A Unique Collection of Hand Strung Beaded Jewelry, Sterling Silver Crosses, Men and Lady Rings and Watches

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Home 1.Jade Bracelets 2.Hematite Bracelets 3.Magnetic Bracelets 4Mag/CateyeBracelets 5.Crystal Bracelets 6.14KTGF Bracelets 7.Turquoise Bracelets 8.Memory Bracelets 9.Name Bracelets New Bracelets


Hand Strung Sterling Silver Name Bracelets

When ordering Bracelets enter name, select size and check  number of letters in name 6,7,8,Or 9. Then add to cart. 

Click picture to see larger        
Item 9ANB
MVC-001S.JPG (35930 bytes)
Price $35.00 Hematite bracelet accented with sterling silver beads and letters.   Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9BNB
MVC-002S.JPG (35419 bytes)
Price $35.00 Hematite bracelet accented with sterling silver beads and letters.     Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9CNB
MVC-003S.JPG (35411 bytes)
Price $35.00 Hematite bracelet accented with sterling silver beads and letters.     Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9DNB
MVC-004S.JPG (36322 bytes)
Price $35.00 Hematite bracelet accented with sterling silver beads and letters.    Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9ENB
MVC-005S.JPG (34546 bytes)
Price $30.00 Hematite and Coral bracelet  with sterling silver beads and letters.    Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9FNB
MVC-006S.JPG (34095 bytes)
Price $35.00 Hematite bracelet accented with sterling silver beads and letters.   Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9GNB
MVC-007S.JPG (35864 bytes)
Price $35.00 Hematite Cateye bracelet  with sterling silver beads and letters.   Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9HNB
MVC-008S.JPG (35526 bytes)
Price $30.00 Hematite bracelet accented with sterling silver beads and letters.   Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9INB
MVC-009S.JPG (34669 bytes)
Price $35.00 Hematite bracelet accented with sterling silver beads and letters.   Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9JNB
MVC-010S.JPG (35889 bytes)
Price $35.00 Hematite bracelet accented with sterling silver beads and letters.   Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9KNB
MVC-011S.JPG (35267 bytes)
Price $30.00 Hematite bracelet accented with sterling silver beads and letters.   Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9LNB
MVC-012S.JPG (35800 bytes)
Price $35.00 Hematite bracelet accented with sterling silver beads and letters.   Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9MNB
MVC-013S.JPG (35835 bytes)
Price $30.00 Hematite bracelet accented with sterling silver beads and letters.   Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9NNB
MVC-014S.JPG (35627 bytes)
Price $30.00 Hematite bracelet accented with sterling silver beads and letters.   Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9ONB
MVC-015S.JPG (34158 bytes)
Price $30.00 Hematite bracelet accented with sterling silver beads and letters.   Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9PNB
MVC-016S.JPG (36407 bytes)
Price $35.00 Hematite bracelet accented with sterling silver beads and letters.   Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9QNB
MVC-017S.JPG (44613 bytes)
Price $40.00 Hematite bracelet accented with GoldFilled beads.  letters Vermille.   Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9RNB
MVC-018S.JPG (50650 bytes)
Price $40.00 Hematite bracelet accented with GoldFilled beads.  letters Vermille.    Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9SNB
MVC-019S.JPG (45583 bytes)
Price $40.00 Hematite bracelet accented with GoldFilled beads.  letters Vermille.    Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00
Item 9TNB
MVC-020S.JPG (46689 bytes)
Price $45.00 Hematite bracelet accented with GoldFilled beads.  letters Vermille.    Name Letters
3 $0.004 $0.00
5 $0.006 $2.00
7 $4.008 $6.00
9 $8.00

Click picture to see larger       

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T Brown Enterprises P.O. Box 750843 Houston ,TX  77275-0843