Welcome To TManBeads Web Site

A Unique Collection of Hand Strung Beaded Jewelry, Sterling Silver Crosses, Men and Lady Rings and Watches

Click  here  www.thecharmstop.net  For a wide variety of charms

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We have now added a close out section filled with items that our vendors will no longer carry.

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Link Partners Directory :

Home ] Antique Jewelry ] Arts and Crafts ] Awareness Bracelets ] Bali Beads ] Bead Clubs ] Beading Supplies ] [ Bead Books and Mags ] Beads ] Country Crafts ] Diamonds ] Gemstones ] Gifts ] Celtic and Gothic ] Jewelers ] Jewelry Designers ] Jewelry Supplies and Tools ] Magazines ] Native American ] Platinum and Gold ] Polymer and Clay ] Rocks,Stones and Minerals ] Watches ] Wire Working ] Wood Crafters ]

Bead Books and Magazines:

Please support our Link Partners by visiting them.


Bead&Button magazine.... Is filled with beading techniques, and inspiration. You will find new projects, patterns, and more to fill your beading hours. If you find something that stirs your soul in this issue online, be sure to pick up a copy at your local bead retailer or subscribe now online to get Bead&Button delivered to your door.

About.com Beadwork Forum hosted by Paula S. Morgan ....Looking for like minded beaders to share ideas? Check out About.com's Beadwork Forum. This section contains hundreds of ideas for beginner beaders, as well as offering patterns, tutorials, examples of finished beadwork, color theory, bead event/show schedules, and tons more!

BeadieFriends.com  Online source for bead patterns, beading instruction and projects....

www.wag.on.ca - An introduction to a new magazine, The Wire Artist Jeweller.




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www.thecharmstop.net          www.starspanglebanner.net

T Brown Enterprises P.O. Box 750843 Houston ,TX  77275-0843