Welcome To TManBeads Web Site
Click here www.thecharmstop.net For a wide variety of charms We have now added a close out section filled with items that our vendors will no longer carry.
Link Partners Directory : Beading Supplies:
....Jewelry supply, glass bead supply and more at
Beading Frenzy Online!...We carry a wide variety of beads and jewelry making supplies. We bring you the best products at the lowest possible price!...http://www.beading-frenzy.com Beads by Ludi Glassmaking has been a long time industry on the Northern coast of California. Cool sea breeze keeps the artist from roasting next to the hot kiln and torch. A short hike to the cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean, Ludi's studio is nestled among the Mendocino pines. There he uses Murano glass, made in Italy, to form his unique beads..... http://www.beadsbyludi.com/index.asp
TManBeads send E-mail www.thecharmstop.net www.starspanglebanner.net T Brown Enterprises P.O. Box 750843 Houston ,TX 77275-0843